Our Facilities Shalinitai Meghe Hospital and Research Center & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Superspeciality Institute is dedicated on providing excellent healthcare and valuable services under one roof by the hands of highly experienced, empathetic and devoted medical professionals. Affordable quality Health Care Accessible to all is our Mission.


About Us Shalinitai Meghe Hospital and Research Center & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Superspeciality Institute

We at Shalinitai Meghe Hospital and Research Center & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Superspeciality Institute, Nagpur focus on providing outstanding in-patient and out-patient facilities by offering indispensable medical services.

We emphasize on the health, comfort and the safety of our patients. The ambience of the hospital is also developed in such a way that it assists in boosting their health and speedy recovery. For the purpose of ensuring their wellbeing, the hospital offers advanced health care treatments and surgeries, making us one of the top Hospital and Research Center in India.

Broad Speciality Departments Shalinitai Meghe Hospital and Research Center & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Superspeciality Institute in Nagpur is accommodated with various speciality departments and consultant physicians to offer comprehensive medical care, best treatment and other healthcare facilities under one roof.

General Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Respiratory Medicine

Our Superspeciality Department

Interventional Radiology
Plastic Surgery


SMHRC & DBASI Hospital

Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education & Research (Deemed to be University) has made a distinct mark in Central India health care sector apart from varied national and international accreditations and affiliations. DMIHER has now commenced Datta Meghe Medical College (DMMC) in Wanadongri, Nagpur. Through its 2 teaching hospitals Shalinitai Meghe Hospital & Research Centre and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Super Speciality Institute; they are ensuring timely quality multi super-speciality health care services to needy central Indians through our present bed strength of 895. DBASI with its advanced infrastructure, full time qualified specialists and super specialists with its mission of affordable quality health care is now a boon for the common man.

We provide 24/7 emergency support.

Please feel free to contact us at our help line No. +91 7517042275 for emergency case.

OPD Hours

  • Monday – Friday 9.00 AM – 4.00 PM
  • Saturday 9.00 AM – 1.00 PM
  • Sunday OPD Close (24/7 emergency support)

The Advanced 30 Bedded Emergency Medicine Department Complex with State of the Art Dedicated Emergency Operation Theatre, Minor OT, CT Scan and Related Diagnostic, functions round the clock to serve needy Emergency Patients.

What's brewing at SMHRC & DBASI?

Available Schemes At Shalinitai Meghe Hospital and Research Center & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Superspeciality Institute, Nagpur

Hospital Schemes

  • Aamadar Health Card
  • Cohort Scheme
  • Senior Citizen Card
  • Asha Worker and Anganwadi Sewika Arogya yojana

Government Schemes

  • Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana (MJPJAY)
  • Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY)

What People Say


Shailesh Gajbhijiye Patient

Shailesh Gajbhijiye 32years male with complains of grade IV Oral Submucous Fibrosis since 6 to 7 years underwent Surgical release of Fibrous bands along with Coronoidotomy bilaterally and Reconstruction using Nasolabial flap. Patient is very Happy and satisfied with the treatment given by Dr. Apoorva Mishra from Oral Surgery department.

कुमारी दामिनी प्रमोद लारोकर Patient

कुमारी दामिनी प्रमोद लारोकर वय 16 वर्ष मुक्काम रायपूर हिंगणा ही पेशंट रविवार दिनांक 30,6,24 ला सकाळी अत्यंत क्रिटिकल कंडिशन मध्ये असतांना या पेशंट ला शालिनीताई मेघे हॉस्पिटलमध्ये दाखल करण्यात आले व डॉक्टर श्री हेमंत जुनेजा सर,डॉ अश्विन मेश्राम सर ,डॉ कुश झुंझुणवार सर,डॉ शैली चांडक मॅडम यांनी अतिशय छान पेशंट ची ट्रीटमेंट केली असता हॉस्पिटल चे डीन डॉ श्री गावंडे सर व डॉ रिचा शर्मा मॅडम तसेच रायपूर हिंगणा गाव चे सरपंच श्री उमेश भाऊ आंबटकर यांचं फार मोलाचे मार्गदर्शन व सहकार्य लाभले असून वॉर्डातील सर्व स्टाफ डॉक्टर , सिस्टर व नर्स यांनी छान पेशंट करिता मेहनत घेतली व आज दिनांक 11,7,24 ला पेशंट ला डिस्चार्ज देण्यात आले तरी आम्ही सर्व लारोकर परिवार आपला आभारी आहे
आपलं सर्वांच मनापासून धन्यवाद🙏🌹

नथुजी भिकुजी सातवणे Patient

मी नथुजी भिकुजी सातवणे मु. दत्तवाडी, माझ्या पत्नीला ता १८/७/२४ वा भरती केले होते. त्याचा सुवीधा जनक कार्य पार पाडले, येथील डॉक्टरी कक्ष व नर्सिंग कोर्स करनात्या मुली आणि सर्व मॅनेजर तथा कर्मचारी हे फार कार्यरत असते. हे पाहून खुशी झाली. येथील प्रत्येक वार्ड स्वच्छ असते. हे बघून मला आनंद झाला. टाईम हे महत्वांच करनारे स्ट्राप आहे. जेवण, चाय नाश्ता टाईमावर मिळतो. हे सर्व सुविधा पाहून मी आनंदी आहे. माननीय डॉ. श्रुती मँडम खुपच कार्यरत असते हे पाहून खुप आनंद झाला डॉ. श्रुती मँडम पुरा कंट्रोलीन ठेवते. धन्यवाद!